Speech XAI#

ferret offers Speech XAI functionalities through the SpeechBenchmark class (analogous to the Benchmark one for text data). We provide two types of insights. 🚀

  • Word-level. We measure the impact of each audio segment aligned with a word on the outcome.

  • Paralinguistic. We evaluate how non-linguistic features (e.g., prosody and background noise) affect the outcome if perturbed.


The code below provides a minimal example on how to generate word-level audio segment and paralinguistic attributions.

We start by loading the model to explain

from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForSequenceClassification, Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor

model = Wav2Vec2ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("superb/wav2vec2-base-superb-ic")
feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("superbwav2vec2-base-superb-ic")

We generate explanations by simply specifying the path of the audio to explain.

Here we derive word-level audio segment explanation via the leave-one-out technique:

from ferret import SpeechBenchmark

speech_benchmark = SpeechBenchmark(model, feature_extractor)

explanation = speech_benchmark.explain(

display(speech_benchmark.show_table(explanation, decimals=3)),
Example of word-level audio segment explanation

Here we derive paralinguistic attributions

paraling_expl = speech_benchmark.explain(

display(speech_benchmark.show_table(paraling_expl, decimals=2))
Example of paralinguistic attribution

We can also plot the impact on the prediction probability when varying the degree of perturbations of the paralinguistic features:

variations_table = speech_benchmark.explain_variations(
    perturbation_types=['time stretching', 'pitch shifting', 'reverberation'])

speech_benchmark.plot_variations(variations_table, show_diff = True);
Example of paralinguistic explanation


We can evaluate the faithfulness of our word-level segment explanation in terms of comprehensiveness and sufficiency:

from ferret import AOPC_Comprehensiveness_Evaluation_Speech, AOPC_Sufficiency_Evaluation_Speech

aopc_compr = AOPC_Comprehensiveness_Evaluation_Speech(speech_benchmark.model_helper)
evaluation_output_c = aopc_compr.compute_evaluation(explanation)

aopc_suff = AOPC_Sufficiency_Evaluation_Speech(speech_benchmark.model_helper)
evaluation_output_s = aopc_suff.compute_evaluation(explanation)